Itʻs pretty clear when you scan the lineup that over 90% of the surfers out there are wearing wetsuits that are black.  Itʻs pretty rare to see a wetsuit in any other color.  Maybe a splash of red or yellow, but an entire wetsuit thatʻs a color other than black?  Unheard of!

So why isnʻt there more flair in what surfers wear?  Why donʻt surfers express as much individuality in their choice of wetsuit color as they do style of surfboard?

Itʻs pretty simple actually.  A wetsuit is made out of neoprene.  In the early days of wetsuits and neoprene, there were not many colors to choose from, with black being the most commonly available color.  Because of that, and because it used to be considered cool not to be flashy, surfers mostly wear black wetsuits.

There are periods of evolution during surfingʻs timeline such as the 80ʻs or in the present day where you might see more flash of color, but the predominant trend is black.  That is most likely here to stay.

 The Importance of a Wetsuit 

A wetsuit is designed to perform one service, and thatʻs to keep you warm when the water is cold.  It could be 80 degrees outside, but if that water is 60, youʻre going to want a wetsuit.  

Before Jack Oʻneil invented the modern wetsuit in the 1960ʻs, surfers had to brave the cold water elements in their board shorts, leaving the sport closed off to many except for the most hardiest among us.

Now, as wetsuits have evolved from stiff, uncomfortable neoprene suits to the super flexible, warmth garments that we know them to be today, the sport of surfing has exploded.  

People even surf in the Artic!  Itʻs crazy!

Wetsuits have made that possible.

 But Why Black Wetsuits? 

So we know that wetsuits have many benefits, but why the color black specifically? Let’s take a look at the five main reasons why:

  1. Black Keeps You Warmer

 Black is the the most efficient color (or non color) at absorbing warmth and light and reflects very little.  You need this added warmth when surfing in cold waters.

A wetsuitʻs snug fit on your body helps keep you warm, but the black neoprene helps to keep you even warmer. 

  1. Black Wetsuits Have UV Protection 

 If you’re surfing in the open for hours, the sun’s harmful rays will leave an impact that would last years. A proper black wetsuit would ensure that the harmful UV rays do not penetrate your skin. 

 It does not reflect the UV rays back onto your exposed parts of your body because of how black absorbs the light.  No need for sunscreen if all you have is a black wetsuit.

  1.  Black Wetsuits Lasts Longer 

 Often, wetsuits are made out of neoprene since the material is excellent for lasting a long time. It can handle the constant exposure to sun, sand and the other elements.

Neoprene starts off as milky white in color, but carbon black is added to the neoprene to make it stronger and more resistant to breaking down in UV light. 

  1. Black Wetsuit Doesn’t Stand Out 

Beginners can get a little nervous whilst surfing amongst professionals and random people. So just like others, you might not want to stand out, and that’s understandable. 

To blend in and not attract any attention, it’s highly beneficial to wear a black wetsuit. The color would allow you to blend right in, and this could be why it’s always the popular surfing wetsuit.   

What Color Should Wetsuits Be?

 There’s no right or wrong color when it comes to wetsuits. Some people prefer having their surfing wetsuits customized in the brightest of colors. But at the same time, there might be people like us who’d rather just choose a basic black wetsuit. 


The reason why most wetsuits are black is because of the manufacturing process. It is because of the rubber that is added to the garment. This manufacturing process has been around since the 1800s. 

Because of the black color, neoprene is a very durable and stretchy material. This is a feature that most light colors do not have. Another disadvantage of light colored wetsuits in winter is that they would repel heat and light rather than absorb it. 


Are Sharks Into Black?

Many people get worried if the color black would attract a shark towards them and put them in danger. But if that is your concern, then do not worry. Reports have consistently shown that sharks are more attracted to bright colors. 

Wearing a black wetsuit would help you blend in with the environment, and keep you off of a shark’s radar. However, other colors such as yellow or wetsuits with contrasting colors do attract the curiosity of sharks, so proceed with caution.

To learn more about how you can avoid a close encounter with the taxman of the ocean, be sure to read this post so you can arm yourself with knowledge that will keep you safe.

How to Pick a Wetsuit? 

Your wetsuit is like a second skin that you need to have before surfing in colder water. It has many benefits and will always help you to perform better. This makes it even more vital for you to choose a wetsuit that you are comfortable in. 

Most Importantly, A Wetsuit Should Fit

The first thing you need to look for is a wetsuit that does not sag. The wetsuit has to be fit, which will prevent water from gathering inside. 

To learn more about how to pick out a wetsuit that fits, be sure to check out this post that gets into how tight a wetsuit actually should be on your body.

Choose the Color of Your Choice 

Despite the many advantages of wearing a black wetsuit, you might not like the color black.

If that’s the case, you should choose a color that you would like to surf in but have the necessary features.

Other Features A Good Wetsuit Must Have

You need to make sure that your wetsuit will be very durable. There is no use in spending money on it if it will just wear out quickly. 

If you are looking for a more in depth guide on how to pick out the right wetsuit, I encourage you to read this Ultimate Guide On Purchasing A Wetsuit we put together for surfers just like you.

Final Thoughts

So a black wetsuit is not a compulsory color to wear. Every surfer has the liberty to choose the color they want to wear, and no one would judge them. 

But there are things that you should to consider before selecting a color, especially if it’s on the brighter end.