by Sean Jennings | Guides
The hardest thing about surfing is all the paddling you need to do to get into the right spot to catch a wave. From the shore, you are faced with a barrage of waves that you must pass through to get to the outside. Duck diving, turtle rolling, punching...
by Sean Jennings | Guides
From balancing on a board to reading waves, surfing is not an easy sport to master. But what most newbies to the sport quickly realize, itʻs not the act of riding waves where most people struggle, itʻs with all of the paddlings. And itʻs not just beginners that...
by Sean Jennings | Surf Basics
If youʻve been surfing for a while, it has probably happened to you. Either from losing a board and having it crash up onto the rocks or by colliding with a beginner who drops in on you, dings happen. Dings are cracks in the fiberglass of your surfboard. They...
by Sean Jennings | Surf Basics
Many people, including myself, store their surfboards in their garages, but is your surfboard really safe in one? Surfboards are usually made of polyurethane material which is sensitive to heat, but it takes temperatures above 130° before it becomes a problem. A...
by Sean Jennings | Surf Basics
I used to play every day in the ocean growing up as a kid. Iʻd dive under waves, body surf, do a little boogie boarding. One thing about the ocean, the waves always came and they didinʻt cost a thing. It was a great source of free entertainment that my mom...