Taking care of your surfboard is important to extend its life and keep it looking good. Not only because you probably care about how it looks when you’re out in the water but you may also want to keep it looking good for resale value.

But even with the best care, your (white) surfboard will eventually start to turn yellow. Why does this happen?

The number one reason surfboards go yellow is because of the sun. The ultraviolet rays from the sun cause the board’s materials to break down and change color. This process is called photo-degradation. As the board gets older, the change in color can be more dramatic.

The rate at which a surfboard turns yellow depends on the type of materials it’s made of and how often it’s exposed to sunlight.

Also, if you live in a sunny climate or spend a lot of time surfing in direct sunlight, your board will yellow faster than someone who doesn’t.

The good news is that there are ways to slow down the yellowing process and keep your board looking new for longer.

How To Keep Your White Surfboards From Turning Yellow

There are a few things that you can do to prevent your surfboard from turning yellow. 

  1. Store your surfboard in a cool, dry, and dark place when you’re not using it. Also, make sure to regularly clean and wax your board. This will help to protect it from the elements and keep it looking its best.
  2. Use A Board Bag to cover your surfboard when you are not using it to keep it out of the harmful UV rays that cause color discoloration and chemical breakdown.

    Depending on whether you plan to travel with your surfboard or use it for day trips, there is a specific type of board bag that will be more suitable for your personal situation.

    Check out this article, Should I store My Surfboard In A Board Bag to learn more.
  3. Choose Epoxy over Fiberglass.  The chemicals in epoxy resin are able to withstand the harmful effects of UV rays much better than surfboards made with polyester resin.

No matter what method you choose, taking some preventive measures can help to keep your surfboard looking new for longer. 

If your surfboard does start to turn yellow, there are a few things that you can do to make your board feel brand new again.

One of the most common and effective ways is to repaint the board. There is a whole new trend these days to paint surfboards.  They are used as a canvas for artwork or simply to write on.

Use that discoloration to your advantage and turn it into a work of art.

How To Never Get A Yellow Surfboard

If you want to make sure your surfboard will never turn yellow, there is one ultimate and easy solution: go get a colored surfboard!

Colored surfboards will never turn yellow no matter how old they get.

As white surfboards are more prone to turning yellow, choosing a colored surfboard can be a great way to prevent this from happening.

Plus, colored surfboards are way cooler than traditional white surfboards.  You can choose any style you want with a custom order.

So if you’re looking for a board that will always look new, a colored surfboard may be the way to go.

I personally love retro style surfboards, with a nice resin tint glass job, glassed on fin and a polish.  Those boards are beautiful.

But stay away from black.  That has never been a good color for surfboards.  The wax melts quickly and they never seem to last as long as other colors.

Another thing that helps, keep your board out of the sun. Learn more about storing your surfboard outside in this post.

How Do You Remove Yellowing From A Surfboard?

By painting it! Unfortunately, there is no other way. 

Once your surfboard has turned yellow, it is not possible to remove the yellowing by cleaning or polishing the board. 

The only way to remove the yellowing from a surfboard is to repaint the board or get a new board altogether. 

While this may seem like quite a bit of work, it is the only way to restore the board’s original appearance.

As we mentioned before, the yellowing is caused by UV rays breaking down the materials in the board. Once this process has begun, it cannot be reversed. 

A cool hip thing many edgy surfers are doing these days is spray painting their surfboard. This helps to cover up the yellow and give surfboards a new lease on life.

How To Spray Paint Your Surfboard

  1. Remove all the wax from the surfboard and wipe down with a rag doused in paint thinner.
  2. This would be a good time to repair any dings and get those fixed. Use a tube of SolarEZ to make this job a breeze.
  3. Tape off areas that you donʻt want to get paint on.
  4. Use the spray paint according to directions, performing one coat and letting it dry before doing another.
  5. Finish your paint job off with a sealer so it doesnʻt just wash away the first time you paddle out.

Once the paint has dried, you can then wax the board and go enjoy the waves!

If you want to get more design ideas for painting your surfboard, you should really check out this site, lots of inspiration.

So, there you have it! That’s everything you need to know about why surfboards turn yellow and how you can prevent it from happening.